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Purchase Lolli Sweet Spiked Red Wine Cocktail / 750mL
  • 750ml

    Lolli Sweet Spiked Red Wine Cocktail / 750mL

  • United States
  • $13.99
  • We ship to 40+ States!

    In Rochester NY? Available to Buy Online and Pick Up in Store!
    1100 Jefferson Road Rochester, NY 14623

    Select Option for In-Store Pickup During Checkout

A Wine Cocktail, slightly effervescent, with a more complex influence of brown spirits for a little heat and sweet. A good sipping drink with just enough bite, rich dark fruit notes balanced with hints of caramelized oranges and a dash of heat.
  • Country
    United States
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Lolli Sweet Spiked Red Wine Cocktail / 750mL
Lolli Sweet Spiked Red Wine Cocktail / 750mL