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Purchase Ron Barcelo Imperial Rum / 750 ml
  • 750ml

    Ron Barcelo Imperial Rum / 750 ml

  • Dominican Republic
  • $29.99
  • Spirits can only be shipped to select states and zip codes Learn More
  • In Rochester NY? Available to Buy Online and Pick Up in Store!
    1100 Jefferson Road Rochester, NY 14623

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Ron Barcelo Imperial's coup d'etat on the rum world is well known as it attained the title of the World's Best Rum after attaining a staggering 97 points out of 100, this being one of the highest scores in the history of the prestigious Beverage Testing Institute of Chicago. Such quality isn't easily attained. Barcelo Imperial is produced in one of the most modern distilling plants in the region. Perfection comes from using sugar honey from the finest sugarcane in the Caribbean and naturally aging for ten years
  • Country
    Dominican Republic
  • Brand
    Ron Barcelo
  • ABV
Ron Barcelo Imperial Rum / 750 ml
Ron Barcelo Imperial Rum / 750 ml