Yes, you read that right. If you enjoy tasting and collecting different wines, you’ll want to keep reading to ensure your eyes and taste buds aren’t wishfully deceiving you. That evening glass of pinot noir accompanying your roasted chicken or the merlot helping you relax from a long day has a surprising amount of health benefits science is just beginning to uncork.
Yet, we also know not all red wines are made equal. While most varieties and blends contain the same basic makeup, the unique chemical compounds, fermentation processes and even the nutrition of the soil where vines were grown play a part in the health benefits you get with each sip.
We’re putting the age-old question of red wine being good or bad for you to bed. Discover exactly what types of red wine are best for your health below.
So Why Is Red Wine Good for You?
There’s more to a glass of red wine than its simple feel-good sips. Though the warm sensations, pleasant notes and earthy richness are enough to justify a glass or two, each glass of red wine carries a complex mix of phytonutrients, or plant chemicals, your body craves to run at its best.
It’s because of some specific phytochemicals types that we can answer just what is it in red wine that is so good for you. A glass of red wine contains the following plant-based, healthy compounds.

Antioxidants are compounds in your body that balance or counteract free radicals. Free radicals are a normal part of life. Your body naturally generates them in response to things like smoke, pollution, exercise, and daily immune system functions. Antioxidants help keep these free radicals in check by combating oxidative stress, a condition that occurs when free radicals run rampant and start hurting your body. Oxidative stress can lead to arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, cataracts and other dangerous health concerns.
Though you produce some antioxidants on your own, it’s important to consume antioxidants regularly through foods like fruits, vegetables, tea, cocoa and whole grains. Some red wines contain antioxidant compounds that may help regulate free radicals in your body.

Wine flavonoids develop from the seeds and skins of the grapes themselves. They are the largest type of antioxidant found in red wines and are the clear MVP behind their range of health benefits.
The healthiest red wines have high amounts of the antioxidant flavonoid resveratrol. You find resveratrol in its largest concentrations in the skin of grapes and berries, which is why a five-ounce glass of red wine delivers many of the boosts it does — plus that delicious taste. Resveratrol can help regulate angiogenesis, a biological process that can become imbalanced. Excessive angiogenesis may play a part in cancer and autoimmune disorders. Too little has been associated with diabetes.
Besides resveratrol, other flavonoids in red wine that pack a health punch include anthocyanins, catechins and quercetin — and no, you won’t be quizzed on these names later.

Other physical and cognitive benefits of flavonoids include:
- Reduced risk of obesity
- Improved working memory
- Reduced symptoms of depression
- Reduced blood pressure
- Improved insulin sensitivity

Polyphenols deserve their own place on the list of why drinking red wine is good for you. As one of the leading flavonoids in the liquid, polyphenols are inflammation-reducing compounds that have been researched in labs and real-world studies alike. They’re an exciting nutritional compound that additionally lends itself to improved artery function, lower cholesterol and reduced chance of platelet clumps. Polyphenols are more concentrated in red wine than other alcoholic drinks. You can also find them in spices like star anise and cloves and in dark chocolate with 70 percent or higher cocoa concentration. So nibble on an extra dark chocolate bar with your next glass of red wine for some real polyphenol power.
The Health Benefits of Red Wine
Terminology aside, why exactly is red wine good for you? What does it do inside the body, and how are its effects good for you in the short and long-term? Research has a lot to reveal when it comes to answering the health benefits of red wine:
- Improves cardiovascular health: Perched at the top of red wine’s health list are its association with heart health and overall cardiovascular benefits. Those struggling with high blood pressure and high “bad” cholesterol in particular benefit from the polyphenols, resveratrol and quercetin compounds in most red wines. These compounds combine to create a team of plaque-buildup fighting agents, reduce bad cholesterol from compounding and encourages “good” cholesterol reserve. The wine flavonoid quercetin, in particular, can lower blood pressure by helping to relax arteries and prevent cell stress.

- Anti-inflammatory agents: Chronic inflammation is the bane of many wide-scale health concerns. From autoimmune diseases and blood clots to arthritis and GI-tract disorders, improper spouts of inflammation can cause serious damage across numerous systems in the body. However, one of red wine’s most abundant chemical compounds is resveratrol, an antioxidant found to contain anti-inflammation properties. It deregulates our body’s natural inflammatory responses down to normal levels and helps immune cells differentiate between healthy and unhealthy cells.
- Balances blood sugars: The resveratrol compounds common in red wines are shown to prevent insulin resistance and related metabolic disorders, shielding against diabetes or moderating post-meal blood sugar levels. Because of their imbalanced insulin production, adults with Type 2 diabetes are two to four times as likely to develop cardiovascular complications or heart disease. With diet as the leading factor in managing diabetes and blood-sugar levels, moderate red wine consumption could be a welcome mealtime addition for those exploring diet-based diabetes solutions.
- Promotes a stronger microbiome: Your gut microbiome is the collective name given to the microbes — bacteria, fungi, viruses — that live inside your body and function as a type of organ. Studies demonstrate that increasing your wine intake to one glass of red wine each week may increase the diversity of good microbial bacteria in your microbiome. Good microbes are essential, as too many bad ones can create an unhealthy microbiome, leading to weight gain, high cholesterol and a weaker immune system.
- Prevents certain types of cancers: Red wine is brimming with antioxidants, the chemical compounds that tackle cell-damaging free radicals and boost our immune system. In addition to its anti-inflammatory and insulin-regulating powers, the antioxidant resveratrol also bolsters numerous immune functions, from heightening the effects of vitamin D to aiding in the expressions of certain immune-enhancing genes. On top of this, resveratrol works to stop the progression of tumor cell growth and progression, the bedrock of cancer.
- Decreases cognitive impairment: A recommended serving of daily red wine may also carry certain neuroprotective benefits. Neuroprotective activities are shown to maintain long-term mental acuity and sharpness while protecting against diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Studies have shown that following a balanced Mediterranean diet — with red-wine consumption and lots of fresh fish, veggies, legumes and olive oils — leads to a lowered risk of cognitive decline while aiding in memory retention and focus.

- Maintains healthy weight and fights against obesity: Due to a chemical compound known as piceatannol, red wine has been linked with reducing the ability for fat cells to grow and generate in their early stages. Piceatannol blocks these immature fat cells from binding with your body’s insulin, meaning fat cells can’t communicate properly to signal the start of their growth cycles. What’s more, piceatannol can also shut down certain gene reactions that, when triggered, cause fat formation and storage across your body.
- Promotes positive mental health: A glass of red wine can also play an important part in promoting positive mental health and strong social habits. For example, many people enjoy a glass of wine with friends as a way to soothe social stresses and some anxieties. Studies have found that people who engage in regular social drinking with friends are more likely to have a stronger, more engaged social network within their local community. Most social drinkers who enjoy a glass of wine together also tend to keep the conversation limited to smaller groups, promoting better group conversation. Socialization is an integral part of fighting mental and physical illness.
What Amount of Red Wine Is Good for You?
How much red wine a day is good for you — and does too much reverse all its unique health benefits?
The recommended daily serving of red wine is four to five ounces. For a visual trick, a healthy red wine pour stops when it reaches the widest part of a glass, known as its bell. Likewise, a full bottle of red wine should last a solo drinker five nights to polish off a standard 750-milliliter bottle. Following these simple allotments will effortlessly keep you in that optimal five-ounce serving range.

Men and women have different servings to take into consideration, too. Since men have more of the metabolic enzymes that break down alcohol, a healthy moderate consumption can range from five to ten ounces accompanying a meal. For women, the healthiest wine serving remains four to five ounces.

Balance Is Key
Overall, red wine is best enjoyed when balanced. When consumed in moderation, red wine carries all the cardiovascular, inflammatory, metabolic and brain boosts described above. Yet it’s true — there can be too much of a good thing. Regularly consuming two-to-three servings of wine daily over extended periods of time can lead to a few health problems, from poor sleep to hypertension, liver damage and pancreas complications.
Generally, women and men older than 65 can enjoy one daily serving of alcohol — including wine, beer, or distilled spirits — per day, while men 65 and younger may tolerate up to two as a part of a nutritious and balanced routine. Women who are pregnant or people with a history of alcoholism, liver or pancreas disease or a weak heart should avoid drinking alcohol. Consult your doctor if you’re currently taking any medications or have a specific health condition you’re unsure about.
Types of Red Wine That Are Good for You
There are over a few dozen varieties of red wines, ranging from crisp, light-bodied gamays to the robust, fortified sweetness of ports. Your favorite red wine likely falls somewhere in between, though does it land on the list of the healthiest red wines on the market?
We’ve put together a list of what kinds of red wines are good for you and the all-important reasons why, with the overall healthiest red wine being Pinot Noir. These explanations are backed by research and chemistry, and will make it all the easier for you to grab a bottle — or two, or a case — on your next wine run or order.
1. Malbec
Malbec grapes have very thick skins compared to most wine-grape varieties. These thick skins ensure they’re loaded with resveratrol antioxidants that play a key role in cardiovascular and immune health. And when we say loaded, we mean loaded.
Malbecs contain on average four times the antioxidant content as popular merlots and nearly twice as much as cabernet sauvignons. The reasons for this has as much to do with their grape’s seed cultivation as it does geography.
Malbecs are most famously grown in Argentina and Chile, where unique weather interactions between warm Pacific Ocean air and the cold, mountain chills wafting from the Andes combine to create ideal temperature and moisture patterns. This results in a particularly dense soil with less sulfate, affecting both Malbec’s taste and its healthfulness.

Malbecs have a smooth, black cherry and blackberry flavor with a silky pour and darker, mocha-like finish. They’re famous for their magenta rims and South American reinvigoration, where the most prized and healthiest Malbecs are sourced.
2. Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir contains a healthy dose of several antioxidants, including anthocyanins and procyanidins, making it one of the best red wines to lower cholesterol. Four ounces of Pinot Noir also delivers roughly 640 micrograms of resveratrol, which is more than most red wines. Resveratrol helps protect against diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.
In addition to its massive concentration of resveratrol, pinot noir grapes also begin their fermentation with some of the lowest amounts of natural sugar. This fermenting process allows for a lower overall sugar level and calorie count per glass, making Pinot Noir a particularly good choice for those craving red wine but watching their sugar intake.
Pinot noir is one of the most popular red wines in the world. With common, flavorful notes of almonds, plums, and berries and a bright acidity, pinot noirs are also easy to pair with any meal, as they’re one of the most versatile red wines. They’re a staple at dinner parties and dates, wine tours and solo pours to cap off a long day, and are cultivated on nearly every wine-producing continent.
3. Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most popular wines worldwide. Likewise, it’s the most planted wine grape in the world, with over 800,000 acres dedicated to its name. Now, that planting and purchasing popularity is made even wiser due to the variety’s health benefits.
Cabernet sauvignon like the Canyon Road Cabernet Sauvignon / 750mL is the cousin to a medley of older grape seedlings and were cultivated for durability. They have highly unique aroma compounds, ones that hint toward their select mix of flavonoids. Their particular flavonoid combination brings with it all the same cardiovascular and artery relief other blends do, yet cabernet sauvignons go the extra step in stimulating the production of a protein called the amyloid precursor, a big player in neural cell health.
As if that wasn’t enough, cabernet sauvignon actually contains a chemical that kills certain strains of cavity-causing bacteria. While you still have to watch out for the proverbial teeth staining wine can cause, this chemical ensures the problematic bacteria don’t cause as much damage to tooth enamel.
4. Petite Sirah
Sirahs, or shirazes, blend an interesting mix of fruity sweetness with dark licorice notes and peppery currants. This one-of-a-kind flavor stems from their tightly grown grapes on the vines, bred since their origins for compactness.
Petite sirahs produce a huge amount of natural tannins, even if their name might suggest otherwise. These tannins come loaded with the antioxidants thiol and resveratrol and create the rather dense and hardy taste petite sirahs are known for. Petite sirahs will also deliver the heart-healthy and valuable procyanidin compounds necessary to give red wine its cardiovascular and metabolic effects. Overall, they’re easy to find, cost-effective to buy and a solid high-five for your heart.
5. Madiran
This rustic wine grape type is a sister to those turned into cabernets. Made from the same Tannat-variety grapes, Madiran is named after its area of origin in southwest France but has started to be cultivated in countries like Uruguay and Argentina, where cool mountain temperatures mirror the conditions of its French-Pyrenees home.

With heavier notes of dark chocolate, cranberries and allspice, Madiran red wines contain soaring amounts of the antioxidant procyanidins. Procyanidins are critical in the healthy blood-vessel functions and heart-disease preventing qualities of red wine. Madiran also has a slightly longer-than-average fermentation process, which is where its high-procyanidin levels are partially attributed to. And as one of the older cultivated varieties on the market, adding Madirans to your collection can do as much for your reputation as a wine connoisseur as it does for your health.
6. Barbera
This red-wine variety with Italian origins remains an overlooked regional delicacy, with a smaller bottle circulation and awareness even among wine aficionados. If its health benefits were more widely known, perhaps you’d see Barbera across more dinner-table spreads.
Because Barbera grape blends tend to have a high, almost pucker-worthy acidity if untreated, they work best aged in oak barrels to soften and round out its bright notes. This aging is also the reason why Barbera wines make the list as one of the healthiest red wines around. Research has shown cooler ripening and fermentation methods, like those utilized with this grape type in northern Italian regions, increases resveratrol grape concentrations. What’s more, the elevation levels where Barbera grapes thrive have also been shown to produce higher and more concentrated resveratrol amounts than even the same grapes grown at lower elevations.
The soil in heavy Barbera-producing regions further lends itself to the wine’s unique, healthy composition. Highly calcareous soil has been shown to encourage higher resveratrol concentrations in both grapes and accent berries used to blend many Barbera wines.
In fact, a five-ounce recommended pour of Barbera wines grown in these soils and fermented in cooled conditions can contain increased concentrations of resveratrol compared to non-calcareous and neutral soil. These concentrations are rivaled only by pinot noirs and some malbecs.
7. Cannonau
The Cannonau, or Grenache, grape is extremely high in resveratrol. Originating from the Italian island of Sardinia, Cannonau grapes are thin-skinned black grapes that produce many varieties and blends of sweet and dry wine, called Cannonau di Sardegna wines. These wines are characterized by a warm, velvety berry flavor that ranges from fruity and light to sapid and dark.
The native grape that produces these wines is the most widespread and popular grape variety in Sardinia and one of the oldest in the Mediterranean. This fruit generates high concentrations of polyphenols and anthocyanins due to its late ripening and harvesting periods compared to other grapes. As these grapes develop their thick skins, their heart-health compounds increase, contributing to the health of those who drink their wines.

Because they’re often the last grapes to be harvested, Cannonau grapes tend to produce wines with low acidity and medium to high alcohol content. Though many healthy red wines provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, Cannonau wines stand out among the rest with a much higher content of these health benefits for the heart and brain. Small doses of this wine also introduce flavonoids to help clear arteries, reduce the risk of strokes and lower stress levels.
The resveratrol levels in Cannonau wines alone are enough to convince most to pick up a glass. These wines are positively associated with a lower risk of dementia — when drunk in moderation — by fighting the formation of plaque in the brain. Some Cannonau varieties have even been proven to fight skin damage, as well.
Besides resveratrol, other flavonoids in red wine that pack a health punch include catechins and quercetin — and no, you won’t be quizzed on these names later. Their noteworthy health benefits include:
- Activating collagen in the skin
- Protecting against UV rays
- Preventing premature aging
- Reducing symptoms associated with diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease
Cannonau wines are also DOC-certified (designation of controlled origin), which means they’ve met specific production, aging and quality standards. In addition to their health benefits, Cannonau grapes’ home of Sardinia is known as one of the world’s five Blue Zones. The people living in these zones tend to have a much longer life expectancy and prosper with better health and relationships — partly due to their red wine consumption.
Though this is an exciting thought for wine enthusiasts, you don’t need to consume too many Cannonau-rich wines to reap their many benefits.
Is Sweet Red Wine Good For You?
As a rule of thumb when considering what kind of red wine is good for you, dry blends over sweet varieties are the safer, heart-healthy pick.
That’s because red wines with dryer notes and flavor profiles carry much higher levels of flavonoids, polyphenols and other compounds necessary for cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory health properties. It’s also these flavonoids and antioxidants that accelerate the body’s absorption of good HDL cholesterol while reducing or eliminating bad LDL cholesterol, making red wine a good choice for lowering bad cholesterol.
Red wine varieties with that desired dry profile run the gamut of cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, malbec, and merlot. On the other hand, notoriously sweet red wines like zinfandels, maderias, moscatos, and any commercial “red blend” will almost always contain lower flavonoid concentrations — though they’re still delicious, with a definite time and place at the dinner table!
On the most end of the sweet scale sits ports and anything labeled a dessert wine. Ports, with their liquor additions and fortifications, alter the entire chemical composition of the wine, as well as many of its metabolic processes. And dessert wines are, well, for dessert. They’re fundamentally sugar-forward, with a fermentation process meant to minimize acidity and bring about the highest notes of fruit and sweeteners.
Where to Find Healthy Red Wines
You don’t need a massive budget or a private sommelier to hunt down the best red wines for you. When it comes to shopping for the healthiest red wines, all it takes is a little research and a lot of curiosity — and taste-testing — to find what works best for you.

- Don’t be afraid to be adventurous: Step outside of recognized names and brands. There’s a reason for the dozens of red-grape varieties available on the market and the vineyards that tend to them, plus hundreds of years of history to back it all up. You don’t have to trade habit for health when it comes to red wines.
- Choose smaller wine brands and companies: Smaller vineyards often don’t have mass production facilities or practices, and some specialize in making sure their wines have all those complex and beneficial polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants.
- Ask an expert: You’ll have no trouble finding a wine expert at your local spirits store, someone who takes pride and interest in knowing the ins-and-outs of their products. Likewise, use opportunities at restaurants, wineries or even area tourist shops to inquire about the red wines on the menu or display. It’s likely they’re there for a reason.
We at Marketview Liquor don’t see wine and spirits as a business — we see it as a passion. We’re proud of the extensive line of red wines we offer, both in-house and online, from local and national bottles to top-point reds sourced from award-winning international vineyards. See Marketview’s red wine selection for yourself today, or wine chat with one of our experts for insider knowledge, tips and deals.
Red Wine FAQs
Have more questions about how to indulge in your favorite drink while staying health-conscious? We’ve got answers on some of the healthiest wines in the world and how to approach wine in a way that makes sense for your body.
Is It Good to Drink Red Wine Every Day?
As we’ve shown in this article, there are plenty of benefits to having a daily glass of red wine. In many places in the world, it’s almost expected that you enjoy a glass of red once a day. The trick is ensuring you’re drinking in moderation so that you can get the benefits without overindulging and reaping the more negative aspects associated with drinking alcohol.
Over time, drinking more than a serving a day can increase your risk of high blood pressure, weight gain and heart problems, among other issues. It can also make you more likely to engage in risky behavior and make poor decisions like driving under the influence.
Which Is the Healthiest Red Wine?
While there are a lot of healthy red wines out there, most of which go above and beyond the health benefits of white and rosé blends, Pinot Noir is generally considered the healthiest red wine. Of all the red wines, this variety holds one of the highest resveratrol levels and lowest sugar content, providing a low-calorie, antioxidant-rich solution to wind down a stressful day.
Which Wine Is Good for Health?
When exploring the wine varietals that can improve your health, find the ones with the highest resveratrol content. Most blends with high resveratrol levels come from grapes with thick, hardy skin, allowing the fermentation process to bring out more antioxidant power. So, if you’re really interested in getting the most from your nightly glass, do your research and explore grapes with thick skins.
It’s interesting to note that drinking any wine, or any alcohol at all, can provide some health benefits. Some studies have deduced that drinking alcohol moderately can raise levels of HDL, which is the good form of cholesterol. It may also reduce the risk of blood clots and artery damage while enhancing the lining of your blood vessels.
The evidence indicates that even if the healthiest red wines aren’t your preference, there’s a good chance that whatever alcohol you’re drinking in moderation can aid your health a bit. Just know that if you want to get the most from your alcoholic beverages, red wine is the best place to start.
Why Is Red Wine the Healthiest?
Compared to white and rosé wines, red wine consumption is healthier because it uses more grape skins in the fermentation process. Since most of the antioxidant benefits come from the grape’s skin, the higher concentration in red wine naturally comes with more health benefits. And while all alcohols may be able to provide some of these benefits, you’ll get the most by drinking red wine.
What Is the World’s Healthiest Wine?
While Pinot Noir is thought to be one of the healthiest red wines, Cannonau wines have some immense benefits that cannot be overlooked. Between its place of origin in the beautiful Mediterranean and its intense concentration of resveratrol, antioxidants and other compounds, this is a wine variety you cannot miss in your exploration of heart-healthy wines.
Although the rest of our selection of healthy red wines can bring some variety to your daily drink, be sure to keep some Cannonau in your repertoire to ensure you can reap the benefits of the healthiest wine in the world.
What Red Wine Has the Least Sugar?
The good news here is that our healthiest wines also generally have the least sugar. If the sugar content of your wine is especially important to you, keep these tips in mind:
- Drink dry wines: By their nature, dry wines have less residual sugar than sweet selections.
- Avoid dessert wines: Wines with the words “dessert,” “ice wine,” “late harvest” and “dolce” in their title tend to be sweeter and have higher sugar content.
Which Red Wine Has the Most Antioxidants?
As the healthiest red wines, Pinot Noir and Cannonau take the prize yet again as the red wines with the most antioxidants. Still, almost all red wines have more antioxidants than other kinds of wine, as the inclusion of grape skins in their fermentation process allows more antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols to find their way into the final product.
Order Healthy Wine to Your Door With Marketview Liquor
Who knew delicious wine could actually be good for you? Browse our selection at Marketview today!